Safety First

South Australia recently introduced a new COVID-19 Safety Measure, The COVID Marshall. Information on this role is still very light on, especially considering specified organisations need to have one in place by Friday 21 Aug 20. A lack of information is not unexpected during a pandemic. APF Cold Storage and Logistics do specialise is taking minimal information and developing a good plan out of it. So as we reviewed our systems and processes for our refrigerated logistics we decided to apply a SA Health Voluntary COVID-Safe Plan.

The Voluntary plan is acknowledging the information provided by SA Health is of great use, and while we already have COVID-19 Risk Mitigations in place, another level is always welcomed.

You will notice more sanitising stations around our warehouses, and increased restrictions on what visitors are able to do. This is all to reduce the risk posed to staff, and our business operations. Our safety focus ensures our staff are protected, and that will ensure continuity of service for our clients.

Our clients should know that APF Cold Storage and Logistics strive to keep everyone as safe as reasonably practicable, and this may cause some minor delays on our normally exceptional service. APF don’t foresee there being any impacts on services, but we do appreciate everyone of our customers working with us to ensure we all stay safe together.


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